Berry Bowls on the Wheel!

05/07/2025 06:00 PM - 06/04/2025 09:00 PM CT


  • $125.00


Tuesdays, 1–4pm, April 8–April 29, 4 weeks Instructor Emily Casella, Ages 18+, $125, Studio A

Create the perfect multipurpose dividing tray or box with a lid! Will you organize seeds, trinkets, jewelry, art supplies, spices, screws? Build, decorate, and glaze your useful container. All skill levels welcome.


Tuesdays, 1–4pm, April 8–April 29, 4 weeks Instructor Emily Casella, Ages 18+, $125, Studio A

Create the perfect multipurpose dividing tray or box with a lid! Will you organize seeds, trinkets, jewelry, art supplies, spices, screws? Build, decorate, and glaze your useful container. All skill levels welcome.