Fundamentals of Oil Painting

04/06/2025 03:30 PM - 05/11/2025 05:30 PM CT


  • $125.00


Fundamentals of Oil Painting
Sundays, 3:30–5:30pm, April 6–May 11, 4 weeks Instructor Aaron Spiller, Ages 18+, $125, Studio B, No class April 20 or April 27
Compose and complete finished pieces depicting different types of landscapes, explore color interactions and practice the fundamental building blocks of oil painting.


Fundamentals of Oil Painting

Sundays, 3:30–5:30pm, April 6–May 11, 4 weeks Instructor Aaron Spiller, Ages 18+, $125, Studio B, No class April 20 or April 27

Compose and complete finished pieces depicting different types of landscapes, explore color interactions and practice the fundamental building blocks of oil painting.